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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Brenlee fell asleep eating spaghetti and while I was trying to get a picture, she would wake up, eat a noodle half way, and then doze off again! Then I just happened to catch her being "just like daddy"! Jake is going to kill me because he has no idea why I took his picture last night! lol

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In memory of Maddison Mckenzie Thayne.

Jake was right. The baby was a girl! We found out a few weeks ago on a Thursday. The Ultrasound tech was 95% sure. I got to see her kicking around on the screen and sucking her little thumb. THen the next day I had contractions. THey were really bad, but I thought they were just to get rid of the clot. Then, on my next ultrasound the baby was completely gone. I am completely sick. I flushed my baby down the toilet. Since there was nothing left to do anything with, we decided to name her. I am sure she would have been beautiful (just like her sister) and I hope someday we get the chance to have another little girl because we were so excited about her. I have always loved the name Maddison and I know two wonderful girls with the name of Mckenzie, so I knew I couln't go wrong those names. I know that she is up in Heaven waiting for us and we will get to see her someday!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Even though Brenlee isn't smiling in this picture, (she gets serious the minute the camera comes out) she was very happy on her first pony ride at the petting zoo!
She also was very happy to be in her Easter dress, as you can tell!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

our new puppy!

I can't beleive that was Brenlee

I need to stop google-ing this stuff!

So I know everyone is probably sick of hearing about this bedrest stuff! But it is awful! I can't concentrate on school or anything else, so I've been sitting here "google-ing" It is making me even more scared! I think I have a problem! I keep looking up subchorionic hematomas, and some of it is good, but almost everyone has little teeny clots and of course I have a huge one (all the people with huge ones miscarry on the internet). My dr would be so mad at me if he knew I was looking this stuff up! I have an appointment tomorrow to see if the baby is still hanging in there and if I can be released from bedrest! I hope everything is good so that I can, but at the same time I know I am going to be scared at work that I will do something to make it come back again! Jeeze I'm so whiny!
We got a new puppy. One of my cousins has a Browning lab that they bred and they had one female left. Jake really wanted another dog to have a friend for Rocky because he gets so lonely, so they gave the girl to us! She is a black lab named Jemma! She is so sweet! We got lucky because she is already trained! And her timing couldn't be better because she keeps me really good company all day!I need it because Brenlee is staying at my mom's tonight because I can't lift her and they were going to take her to do some really fun things! Yesterday, she went to the petting zoo and they couldn't get her away from all the animals! She is crazy about them!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Still on Bedrest!

So I just have to vent! Jake had a couple days off this week, and I had cabin fever, so I had to get out of the house! I wasn't really on my feet that much, but everything got a lot worse! The pain, the bleeding, everything! Of course, by the time I decided to call the Dr., it was Friday and they aren't in clinic on Friday! They said they would have the nurse call me back to see if she could get the baby's heartbeat, but she never called! So me and Jake sat and worried (although he will say that I was the only one worried). Then, we went to both the hospitals' L&D's to see if they would check the heartbeat! But apparently, you have to be 20 weeks before they will let you up there. They told me to go to the ER! I think the ER has enough of our money from last weekend and we didn't want to wait arround, so we went and bought a heart beat monitor. It said it didn't work until the 3rd trimester, but we think we actually heard something! It sounds like a tiny little gallop! But we were still worried that it wasn't really the heartbeat and I knew I would have to wait until Monday to find out if the baby was still alive! Luckily, my work is wonderful and one of the U/S techs was still there. She said she would check for us, so we rushed in! And BAM! There is was! The best thing in the whole world to see (besides Brenlee's face)! Even though the clot is getting larger, the baby is doing wonderful! He has grown so much and he waved at us on the screen! He was moving so much he looked like he was dancing! We got to see all ten fingers and toes! I think that I saw it was a boy, but it's still early! Now I feel wonderful knowing he is alive and can barely feel the contractions! I really hope they never find out taht ultrasounds are bad though because Brenlee and this baby have had a lot of them! Hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bed rest! yikes!

So far the baby still has a strong heartbeat but I have been on strict bed rest since Saturday night! I have another Dr. appt on Tuesday to check for a heartbeat again! I am bleeding agian though and have really sever pain agian! I am trying to stay positive though this baby is a fighter! I think this is hard on Brenlee, I really am not supposed to lift her and she keeps coming up to me to pick her up! She is starting to say alot of words now! She holds my cell phone and says "halo" or hi! It is so cute! I am so bored! Jake is on days off tomorrow so I am so excited! He has to do everything right now, so I feel really bad for him! He is wonderful! Everytime I get feeling down he helps me focus on the positive and tells me everything will be ok. I love all my family and am grateful for all the support! Especially Natalie for watching Brenlee and cooking us dinner! Thanks guys! Keep Praying for us please.

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