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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In memory of Maddison Mckenzie Thayne.

Jake was right. The baby was a girl! We found out a few weeks ago on a Thursday. The Ultrasound tech was 95% sure. I got to see her kicking around on the screen and sucking her little thumb. THen the next day I had contractions. THey were really bad, but I thought they were just to get rid of the clot. Then, on my next ultrasound the baby was completely gone. I am completely sick. I flushed my baby down the toilet. Since there was nothing left to do anything with, we decided to name her. I am sure she would have been beautiful (just like her sister) and I hope someday we get the chance to have another little girl because we were so excited about her. I have always loved the name Maddison and I know two wonderful girls with the name of Mckenzie, so I knew I couln't go wrong those names. I know that she is up in Heaven waiting for us and we will get to see her someday!


Kelly said...

I am so sorry. I didn't want to say anything yesterday at lunch and ruin the day. I love you guys so much and I can't believe this happened again. I'm heart broken. Please let me know if you need anything.


The Beagley's said...

I love you guys so much! You are so strong. Please call me if you ever need to talk or you need anything.

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